Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Cabaran Daisy 2011

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera....

Sekadar untuk berkongsi berita baik ini kpd semua pembaca budiman. Baru-baru ni DJ menerima emel dari wakil pihak Akhbar Kosmo. 

Dear Cik DJ Dayang,

We are from Kosmo Newspaper. We would like to invite you to feature the event on your blog.

"Cabaran Daisy" is a joint venture event between Daisy and Kosmo to offer a platform for the entrepreneurs and baking enthusiasts to share creative ideas with Daisy's ambassador Chef Liza Zainol and to provide assistance to small-time entrepreneurs in the promotion and establishment of their business. The 1st advertisement has been out on 1st June 2011 in Kosmo newspaper. Details of the contest as attached.

In view of the relevancy of your blog: with this event, we would like to extend our invitation to your good self to attend our launch event and to put the write-up on your blog. We will pay you to feature the news on your blog. Details of the event as follows:

Date: 9th June 2011 (Thursday)

Venue: Laman Chef Liza, Lot 13387, Kg. Batu Delima, Batu 5, Jalan Ipoh, 52200 Kuala Lumpur.

Time: 1pm - 5pm
program include: Opening Ceremony, Demo from Chef Liza, Tea break, Press Conference.


Bagi yang berminat dan ingin menyahut Cabaran Daisy bolehlah menyertai event yg dianjurkan, Untuk keterangan lanjut mengenai syarat2 penyertaan, sila klik pd borang  spt yg tertera di atas. Terima kasih.


  1. As'salam Dayang

    Alhamdulillah...bolehlah jumpa Dayang kat sana nanti. Kak ct pun dapat jemputan yang sama. Ada geng lah kita nanti...hihihi

    agak2 kak ct kenal tak dayang nanti...malunya

  2. Salam kak..

    akak kena join ni.....

  3. wah tahniah tahniah jangan lepas kan peluang ni yer

  4. Tahniah sbb dpt jemputan..kitak pegi ka sik tok?hehe..jadi hakim jak ktk kelak


komen dan info amat-amat dialukan...terima kasih